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Showing posts from April, 2018

Strange Dreams

I'm not sure what the bad dreams are about, but they all seem to be related to different aspects of losing weight. A little anxiety, maybe? 12 April 2018 I dreamed that I was getting my first ever crochet bikini. When I tried it on, my boobs looked like they were filling socks and hanging down..,. The girl making the bikini top took one look at me and said "Too Long! Too Long!" I woke up feeling just a little humiliated! It looked like I was wearing a Tata Towel... for a laugh, look at the $45 boobie towel 16 April 2018 I gained a couple of pounds over the weekend and I know its natural and partially due to the fact that I haven't "gone" well for a while, but you can't convince my subconscious of that. I dreamed that I had gained a few pounds (probably because I have gained 2 pounds and  my jeans are cutting me around the waist); the dream progressed to me realizing that I was pregnant and being extremely concerned about how my mom would re

Breakup Letter to Cake

Dear Cake, You seduced me and made me subject to your whims.  I would leave the house in the middle of the night just for you.  I would bake at midnight and eat in secret to hide my shame. I loved your sickly sweet smell of sugar and shortening.  You made my mouth water in anticipation of the impending treat,  now my mouth waters because your aroma nauseates me. I gave you undying devotion, you gave me diabetes and a fat ass. I feel like we've grown apart. I'm breaking up with you. Goodbye

Where I Shop

My favorite markets and what I purchase from them. Aldi's   Eggs - between 22 and 75 cents a dozen (No kidding!) Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - regularly 1.99 a pound but on sale every couple of weeks for 1.69 a pound. HUGE chicken breasts, 6 of them are 5 pounds! 85/15 Hamburger Meat - Organic Grass Fed meat for 4.49 a pound, can't beat that with a stick! Mandarin Oranges - 2.29 for a 3 pound bag every couple of weeks Great deals on fresh fruit and berries each week. Costco   Bai Water  - my favorite flavors are the coconut infusions; however, the fruit and berry selections are quite tasty also.About as much caffeine as a cup of green tea; I am assuming the antioxidants are the coffee fruit and white tea extracts. VitaminWater Zero  - All of your daily recommended allowance for Niacin, B-6, B-12, and Pantothenic Acid; plus electrolytes. Great to have at work, gives you a nice B lift! Kirkland Signature Hormel Pre-Cooked Bacon  - because.... Bacon! Fresh

Gluten Free Chicken Salad

You can make this chicken salad Paleo if you make your own mayonnaise. I'll settle for gluten free and stick with my beloved Duke's Mayo. INGREDIENTS Boneless skinless chicken breast Garlic Salt Honey Carrots - diced Celery - diced Onion - diced Garlic - crushed Duke's Mayo Sprinkle your chicken breasts with garlic salt and bake (I bake for an hour on 250 to keep them juicy and tender). Cool and cut chicken into desired size cubes add diced veggies and mix around drizzle with honey and mix around some more (I'm a little heavy handed with the honey, because I like it on the sweet side) add mayo and mix, add more mayo and mix, keep repeating until you have the consistency that you like. Serve up on some lettuce leaves or plain on a plate. ***Walnuts and/or pecans are a great addition if you like a little extra crunch!

Quick and Yummy Hamburger Soup

This is a great little soup and fills you up like nobody's business! MEAT BASE ground beef (the leaner the beef the better) garlic (for three pounds of meat I'll use about a third to a half a cup of jarred chopped garlic. Yeah, I really, really like garlic!) onions (at least one great ole big sweet onion per pound, two per pound if the onions aren't as big as softballs!) Mushrooms (quartered or sliced) Plantains and/or parsnips - diced or sliced into medallions, however YOU like them. Ripe plantains give wonderful little sweet bites to your mixture; whereas green plantains stay firm and have a potato feel and taste to them when you bite them. Bone Broth or organic broth (chicken or beef - 1 quart per pound of meat) Frozen veggies of your choice (1 4-6 serving bag per pound of meat) Put beef, garlic, and onions in a big baking pan (or not so big if you aren't making a ton of it so you can freeze portions) and bake at 250 until the meat is done and the o

Easy Oven Paleo Chili

Easy oven Paleo chili Use as much or as little of each ingredient as you like, I like to load mine up with everything and make a big batch to freeze in portions later. The main thing that makes this Chili is the spices, you can use whatever veggies you want, these are just my favorite. Please experiment and let me know in the comments what YOUR favorite combination is! This chili does not have beans... Alas, beans are not "Paleo"; although, I'd put money on the fact that if my ancestors came across some kidney beans, I'm sure they would have made a big ole pot of chili with them! MEAT BASE ground beef (the leaner the beef the better) garlic (for three pounds of meat I'll use about a third to a half a cup of jarred chopped garlic. Yeah, I really, really like garlic!) onions (at least one great ole big sweet onion per pound, two per pound if the onions aren't as big as softballs!) Mushrooms (quartered or sliced) Plantains and/or parsnips

Cheesy Glutinous Disk of Temptation

Its Friday, 6 April 2018. I am working from 1600 to 0030. One of the supervisors is buying pizza for all of the workers. I LOVE pizza; but I know its going to make me feel horrible. I fully intend on ignoring the cheesy, glutinous, disk of temptation. It's not due here for another 30 minutes and I can smell it in my mind! I'm NOT going to eat it! Please, God, don't let them bring it into this little office... I don't know if I will be able to stand it! More later... Pizza arrived. Two 35 inch party pizzas from Pizza Express in Chester. They have the second best NY style pizza around. Albert's Pizza on Broad Rock Road is the best.  I was a rock! I didn't eat any pizza! Major victory for me, I am usually a bit powerless around delicious food. I would have loved to get a slice, but I know that I want to feel good more. I have gluten free pizza in my freezer that will probably get eaten tomorrow! The GF pizza from Costco is surprisingly good, the crust i