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Gluten Free Chicken Salad

You can make this chicken salad Paleo if you make your own mayonnaise. I'll settle for gluten free and stick with my beloved Duke's Mayo.


Boneless skinless chicken breast
Garlic Salt
Carrots - diced
Celery - diced
Onion - diced
Garlic - crushed
Duke's Mayo

Sprinkle your chicken breasts with garlic salt and bake (I bake for an hour on 250 to keep them juicy and tender).
Cool and cut chicken into desired size cubes
add diced veggies and mix around
drizzle with honey and mix around some more (I'm a little heavy handed with the honey, because I like it on the sweet side)
add mayo and mix, add more mayo and mix, keep repeating until you have the consistency that you like. Serve up on some lettuce leaves or plain on a plate.

***Walnuts and/or pecans are a great addition if you like a little extra crunch!


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